Marielle Lace Stitch

The Marielle is a different lace stitch, creating a mesh of interlocking shells. You can use it to crochet lovely shawls and scarves.

Watch the Marielle lace stitch video tutorial:

Written instructions:

* repeat from this point as many times as required
ch - chain stitch
dc - double crochet
rep - repeat
tr - triple crochet

Make a foundation chain in multiples of 4.

Row 1: Skip the first 5 ch and in 6th ch from your hook, work 2 tr, ch 2, dc. Now *skip next 3 ch and into the next one work 2 tr, ch 2, 1 dc in next ch; rep from *to last 2 ch of row, skip next ch, 1 tr in last ch, turn.

Row 2: ch 3, *2 tr, ch 2, 1 dc in the next ch2 space; rep from * all across the row, end with 1 tr in top of the last turning ch, turn

Repeat row 2 until you have reached your desired length.
