I want to introduce you this very special Cable Crochet Stitch. All these crossed long stitches create a beautiful result, very different from other cable stitches.



CH - Chain
YO - Yarn Over
ST - Stich/es
SC - Single Crochet

Chain in multiples of 8, plus 2

ROW 1: SC into the 2nd CH and in every CH all across the row.

ROW 2: CH 9, skip 4 ST,*(YO 8, pull through one by one) into the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th ST, (YO 8, pull through one by one) into the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ST* end with a bar of 9 into the last ST.

ROW 3: SC into every ST all across. 

REPEAT ROWS 2 & 3, until you'll reach your desired lenght.
